Dr Bianca Forrester
Dr Bianca Forrester
Regional GP
Dr Bianca Forrester is a regional GP, specialising in Adolescent Health and systems change facilitation. In her role as Senior lecturer at the Department of General Practice, University of Melbourne (DGP UoM) she leads the clinical learning network for the Doctors in Secondary Schools program, a Victorian Government initiative establishing school-based health services in government schools.
Using her skills in facilitation and knowledge management, Bianca led the development of a pandemic response community of practice, Project ECHO: COVID-19 Pandemic response Network with the Western Victorian PHN in March 2020. Over two years later, the group of interdisciplinary health professionals and administrators continue to meet weekly to discuss the provision of quality and integrated health care across the region's primary, tertiary sectors and public health sectors in response to the pandemic disruption.
She produces the Maze Phase podcast for primary care professionals working with teens and is the GP for North Geelong Secondary school.